Introduction to the Documentation

It is likely that you do not yet have a very clear image in your mind as to what goes on inside of your computer when it is executing a program. This Lab should remedy this situation to a certain degree. To start, this part of the Manual will introduce or reiterate some essential concepts - this should eliminate any romantic preconceptions you may have regarding assembly languages, machine language, and higher-level programming languages. Much of this should of course already be known to you from following the lectures and reading material, so consider these pages as a gentle refresher...

In the (extremely unlikely) case that you have not followed the lectures or the reading material yet, it is important to mention that this Manual is not a full substitute in any way. Most explanations are kept to a concise summary of the full explanations found in the other material, leaving out background information (which may be part of your exam).

For those who are up-to-date with the other material, this reference documentation should serve as a useful handbook for solving the assignments.

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