Framework Setup

After you have finished all previous setup steps, you can finally start exploring the framework.

To do so, open a Terminal window and navigate (using the cd command) to the folder of the framework that you have cloned from your GitHub repository (remember to use the WSL terminal if you are on Windows). If you have not given a different name as part of the clone command, the folder should have the same name as your repository.

If you are unsure what directory your terminal window is currently in, you can always use the pwd command to print the working directory.

You can furthermore use the ls command to list all files and folders in the current directory.

Once you are inside the folder of the framework, use the code . command to open VS Code in the current directory.

If you have done everything correctly, the Explorer panel of VS Code should show the folders for all assignments, as well as a .vscode folder and some other files.

Install the Needed Extensions

To use the framework with all its features, you will need to install some extensions. Upon first opening the framework in VS Code, a prompt should appear in the bottom right corner asking whether you want to install the recommended extensions. If the prompt did not appear or you have accidentally dismissed it, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Extensions" panel ("View" → "Extensions" | ⇧⌘X | Ctrl + Shift + X)

  2. Type "@recommended" in the search bar.

  3. Install all (4) extensions that are listed.

Read the README

To acclimate yourself to the given framework, its structure, and the way(s) of using it, start by thoroughly reading the file.

Hint: Once you have opened the file in VS Code, press ⌘⇧V (macOS) or Ctrl + Shift + V (Linux/Windows) to get a nicely rendered view of the markdown file.

What Next?

Even though you have already gone through quite a bit of reading/setup/other boring things, you are (likely) not quite at the point where you can start coding yet. The next part of this Manual is the so-called Reference Documentation.

This documentation is essentially a somewhat concise summary of all the concepts that you need to know to successfully solve the assignments. While you are free to go straight to the assignments, it is highly recommended to at least skim through the documentation first - it is highly likely that it will save you some hours of frustration with the assignments.

Last updated